AFC Leopards drowned in more misery after going down 1-0 to Tusker FC on Sunday May 28, 2017 at the Kinoru Stadium. Chaos were witnessed before the match as rowdy youth tried forcing their way into the stadium on grounds that they had been informed that there would be free entry into the stadium for the match pitting the two sides. Police however reacted fast to de-escalate the ugly scenes.

Tusker showed intent from the start of the game, Mandel Khamati a testing Andika in the 4th minute but the latter produced a fine save then went down in pain. In the 11th minute, Wanga distributed a cheeky pass, flicking the ball to Khamati who got past two defenders but was unable to direct his shot on goal. Leopards had their first chance of the game in the 14th minute, Ingotsi beating Tanaguzi to the ball but his shot was too weak to trouble the keeper.

Tusker finally broke the deadlock in the 39th minute, Mieno missing the header from a Khamati cross but Macharia was there to ensure that the Brewers get the lead. One minute before the break, Leopards striker Fiamenyo found the back of the net but was adjudged to be offside. Four minutes into second half, Isuza found Fiamenyo after a pass from Ingotsi but the striker shot straight to the keeper. Wanga wasted a chance for the hosts in the 52nd minute after he shot wide from a glorious chance. Duncan Ochieng had to put in extra effort to deny Ingwe an equalizer in the 80th minute from Sikhayi’s free kick. The game ended 1-0 in favour of Tusker which takes their point tally to twenty seven, joint with league leaders Gor Mahia. AFC Leopards have now gone seven matches without a win.